First Star Outcomes

Progression to HE

of the class of 2021 have places at University  

First Star Guardian Scholars:

post 18 destinations 
First Star awarded HE places
0 %
Nationally peers entered HE
0 %
Care Leavers into HE (DfE)
0 %

Where are they now?

First Star into further study
0 %
Nationally youth into further study
0 %
First Star NEETs
0 %
Nationally NEETs
0 %
Care Leavers NEETs
0 %
First Star into apprenticeships
0 %
Nationally peers into apprenticeships
0 %

First Star GCSE outcomes

GCSE  outcomes for 2021 – despite the impact of Covid-19 – show our scholars doing really well 

In 2021 First Scholars’ GCSE outcomes exceeded exceptions, even overcoming the disadvantages of Covid.  58% of scholars passed GCSE English and maths (grade 4 or above) compared to 17.5% of looked after children nationally (DfE, 2018).

32% of First Star Scholars passed GCSE English and Maths at grade 5 or above compared to 10% of looked after children nationally. 

Ebacc scores and Attainment 8 scores are extremely good – scholars’ Ebacc scores (5.28) exceeded national score levels (4.28) and vastly outstripped scores for looked after peers (1.27).  Similarly, First Star Attainment 8 score (47.10) compares well with national data (50.20) and is more than double the score for looked after young people (21.40).